I've created campaigns for most of the Illumination Entertainment films since the original Despicable Me, and I'm very proud of each of them.
However this Campaign was really special.
– Awards –
The digital ad campaign was yuuuge for this film, with robust takeovers on every significant entertainment portal and several run of site banner versions scattered across the web. Safe to say you couldn't be on the internet week of release without seeing these ads, and likely not the same one twice.

Click for a taste of the action.
Click to Demo.
Click to Demo.
Click to Demo.
These gifs were part of a significant Social Campaign and were shared like crazy.
This lovely has the distinct honor of being the top Tumblr ad of 2013
I could go on, dust off the hard drives, brew some tea and really deep dive into this campaign. Give me a ring and I'll talk your ear off.
Despicable Me 2

Despicable Me 2

Digital Campaign
